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De-Shedding Tool for Long Coats
DOKU리뷰 > 상세보기 | 2016-12-17 11:30:58
추천수 171
조회수   2,349


DOKU 친구추가


De-Shedding Tool for Long Coats

댓글마감 사용






Get ahead of the shed and keep pet hair under control. The ShedMonster™ professional de-shedding tool is the all-in-one grooming tool that reduces shedding by up to 90%. The ShedMonster™ goes deep into the undercoat to remove shed fur while breaking up mats and tangles. Unlike other de-shedding tools that can cause painful brush burns and irritation, the Shedmonster"s smooth edges protect the skin and provide a soothing massage that dogs and cats love. Reduces hair on carpets, clothes & furniture

  • All-in-one tool removes shed fur, mats and tangles
  • Reduces shedding by up to 90% 
  • Smooth edges protect the skin without causing brush burns or irritation 
  • Lightweight ergonomic grip
  • Used for years by professional groomers 
  • Designed specifically for long-coated breeds such as Golden Retrievers"

* 테스트 등록내용입니다. 지속적인 제품의 리뷰를 등록하도록 하겠습니다. *

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